International Economics

In considering potential college study opportunities, I have stumbled upon a course of curriculum that I find to be extremely interesting and interdisciplinary in what I hope to study and achieve in higher education and beyond. I have written multiple drafts of why I love the concepts behind International Economics, and here is a summary that connects my experiences and my goals and interests.

Economics shapes our world. It drives many decisions on a national and international level. It’s this impact that excites me, and studying International Economics is a tool to help reach global goals and provide perspective on them

Many Americans love the opportunity capitalism offers, but its principles don’t universally bring freedom as they are applied across the globe. True, from Econ class I know that freedom generally has the ability to beget prosperity. But from traveling to Argentina in a cultural immersion program I learned that the pursuit of free markets can come at a high cost and stifle a people’s human rights. In fact, Argentine dictator Videla’s platform centered around free trade and deregulatory economic policy, yet his legacy leaves behind tens of thousands of “disappeared” citizens, their displaced posterity, and a long line of crimes against humanity.

What role exactly do economic forces play in these global political dramas? Unraveling this “why” will allow me to build a foundation from which to pursue answers to global challenges. This knowledge will also help me, one day, to become a business leader with a conscience, aware of the broader impact of corporate decision -making on issues of public welfare in a greater, global context.


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